David Richards

417 days ago

Put your workers on a 4 day week on full pay and watch revenues rocket: pseudo capitalism it is so easy when your sales are pure fiction!

A pilot scheme where workers got full pay for doing just 4 days a week was recently hailed by those organising it as a triumph and among those wheeled out to boast of its success was David Richards MBE of Wandisco (WAND). claiming his company’s sales had rocketed seven fold and productivity was up 25%. In fact…


2195 days ago

Uk Investor Show 2018 Videos; Dave Richards of WANdisco

Is it Dave or David? I get confused by so much these days. Whatever he presented a compelling case. And after the Dragon's Den he did I became a shareholder as you can see HERE. Wandisco (WAND) is proof of how vital management is. It was heading for disaster then management changed and now its zooming ahead as Dave/David explains below.


2770 days ago

Wandisco: I smell an enormous rat: where's the money going?

On Wednesday, cash guzzling over-ramped serial non-deliverer of anything other than jam tomorrow Wandisco (WAND) announced that it had a new CFO at 7 AM. At 10.41 AM Thursday the company's founder, CEO and all round head honcho David Richards walked with immediate effect. No credible reason was given for his departure. I smell an enormous rat.
